Overcoming challenges. Helping others do the same.

“Growing up in St. Clairsville, I’d wanted to go to Belmont for as long as I can remember. I started my journey there in the Fall of 2020 as the first person in my family to further their education. Nursing was a natural fit because I’d always had a desire to help others. Thanks to the support of my instructors, who guided me throughout my journey, I was able to reach my full potential.

While I was in school, I worked as a State Tested Nurse Aid in the pandemic units at Wheeling Hospital. I gained valuable experience as my love of caring for people grew.

When I graduated in 2023 as a Licensed Practical Nurse, I not only became the first in my family to earn a college degree, but I graduated at the top of my class and as a member of the PTK Honor Society. I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from getting my degree—not even a brain tumor.  In 2022 I underwent two surgeries to have the tumor removed, and three months later I was back in school.

Today, I’m a brain tumor warrior who manages support groups for others. And I’m working as a pediatric critical care vent nurse, caring for children who are on life support. It’s an intense job with a lot of pressure, but I’m able to keep calm and even use my sense of humor to uplift my patients and their families. My goal is to become a nurse practitioner specializing in pediatric neurology. I’m living proof that with the right mindset, environment and guidance, the sky is the limit.”