College Credit Plus Students
College Credit Plus (CCP) gives students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to take college courses for free and earn high school and college credit before graduating from high school. Students can take up to 30 credit hours per school year, and a total of 120 throughout the program.
College credits can be earned during summer, fall, and spring terms. Courses taken in the summer term count toward the upcoming high school year. Each class and corresponding grade are included in both high school and college transcripts. Flexible class scheduling allows students the ability to enjoy school activities that fit around college classes.
Benefits for students and their families
- Earn high school and college credit for classes taken
- Reduce the time and cost of earning college credit
- CCP course grades are weighted the same as AP/IB and other advanced standing classes on high school transcript
- College Credit Plus courses and instructional materials are free to the student.
- All students are assigned a College Pathway Advisor who provides the student with guidance regarding scheduling, advising, Belmont College’s policies and any other questions or concerns.
- All CCP students are considered Belmont College students and have access to many benefits and student support services.
- Credits earned can transfer. Belmont College also offers several general education courses that meet the Ohio Transfer 36 & TAG that guarantees transferability to Ohio colleges and universities.
Use the checklist to help focus on next steps:
CCP Enrollment Checklist
Admissions Requirements
To participate, the student must submit a Letter of Intent to Participate to their respective high school or the State of Ohio by April 1. Contact your high school counselor to find out how they handle this process. Please note that students must be an Ohio resident and attend an Ohio High School.
A CCP Permission Slip must be completed and signed by the student and his/her parent or guardian in order to enroll. CCP students can return this form to
Students seeking admission into the CCP program must demonstrate college readiness by meeting Belmont College’s admission standards and the state remediation-free standards of Ohio. Belmont partially determines college readiness by using GPA, ACT, SAT, and/or Next-Generation ACCUPLACER scores.
Readiness Area |
English/Writing Sub Score |
18 |
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 480 (Combined) |
263 or above |
Reading Sub Score |
22 |
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 480 (Combined) |
250 or above |
Mathematics Sub Score |
22 | 530 |
263 or above |
Students without an ACT or SAT score are required to take the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER placement test to determine college readiness.
Disclaimer: The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the CCP program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.
2025-2026 Student Handbook
Our CCP student handbook is designed to address any initial queries you or your parent/guardian may have. Please take time to review it and let us know if you have any questions: