“After graduating from St. Clairsville High School in 1993, I went to Ohio University Eastern for a year, then earned a degree in Christian Ministry from Emmanuel College in Georgia. From there, my life took some twists and turns. After a stint in the Army, I went back to Ohio University at age 39, earning a Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering.
I thought I had a better chance of getting my foot in the door in the field of chemical engineering if I understood both the engineering and the electronics that control the chemical processes.
I chose Belmont College because they offered many advanced classes at a reasonable cost. I was surprised to see they offered classes that I’d been taking as a senior at Ohio University. The program emphasized both electronic theory and computer programming and taught me the basics of the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms and how to use them.
I graduated in May of 2020 with an Associates Degree in Instrumentation and Control. I’m working as a customer engineer on the global install team of Applied Materials, Inc. I’m based in Austin, Texas, and I work all over the globe. My last assignment was in Grenoble, France. I’m now in Raleigh North Carolina and will be heading to Rotterdam in the Netherlands after this. I’m also pursuing a Master’s Degree in Material Science and Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.”