Supporting you along your academic journey. We’re here to help you get the most out of your Belmont College education. We can connect you with an open computer lab, technical support, individualized in-person tutoring, online e-tutoring, a range of testing services, accommodations, and many other services.

Homework help & tutoring

Individual tutoring

If you’d like tutoring for a particular course, visit the Success Center, call 740.699.3828. A schedule will be arranged as soon as possible.

Online e-tutoring

Online e-tutoring is free to all students. Tutors from many colleges and universities and representing a wide variety of disciplines are on the platform, with evening and weekend hours available. Click here to directly access the platform and get started. Use your Belmont College email address to access services and create an account.

Infobase Learning Cloud

This provides courses and instructional videos on how to use Microsoft Office products, social and emotional learning, and more. Use your Belmont College username and password to access the resources.

  • College level examination program
  • 33 different exams
  • College CLEP exams equivalency chart (pdf)
  • Register for an exam. After registering, schedule your exam with us here –Powered by AppointmentPlus

Click the links for more information:

  • American Medical Technologies
  • Cisco
  • Microsoft
  • Ohio Assessments for Educators
  • Pearson Vue
  • WorkKeys – $20 per test session. Book exams here – Powered by AppointmentPlus

To register for the GED test, create an account on

If you’re interested in CNA, Welding, or CDL, our Workforce Development Department has an adult diploma program that lets you complete your GED and train in these fields at the same time.

When, where and how to reach out for help:

Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00am– 4:30pm

Academic Technical Center, Room 1068
