Textbook Rental FAQs

Why should I rent and not buy?
Simple economics. You’ll save 50% on the price of a new or used book.

How do I know if a book is available to rent?
On the book list we post on our website, the rental prices on titles for rent are indicated in green.

Why aren’t all books available to rent?
You wouldn’t save money renting books you’ll use for more than one semester. Fill-in-the blank books, books with access to digital materials, and books going to a new edition aren’t for rent.

What should I bring when I want to rent a textbook?
Bring proof that you’re at least 18, your book voucher with photo ID if you’re using financial aid, and a paper copy of your schedule if you’re paying out-of-pocket.

How do I pay the rental fee?
Use any form of payment the bookstore accepts, including financial aid.

Can I highlight and write in a rented book?
Yes, within reason. The same criteria apply to rental returns as for buyback.

What if I drop the class?
The return policy for rented books is the same as for purchased books. Return the book in original condition by the return deadline and with the original receipt.

What if I decide to buy book that I’ve rented?
You can convert a rental to a purchase within the refund period. After that, the rental fee is non-refundable. Bring your original receipt so we can credit the rental fee and charge as a purchase.

What if I forget the rental due date?
We’ll send several e-mail reminders, but it’s your responsibility to return the book on time regardless.

What if I lose the book, return it damaged, or miss the due date?
We’ll charge your student account the other half of the cost plus a $15 fee, and put a hold on your account until the fees are paid.


We’ll charge your student account the other half of the cost plus a $15 fee, and put a hold on your account until the fees are paid.