The short-term certificate scholarship is a residence-based award from the Ohio Department of Higher Education for students enrolle in the short-term certificate programs listed below.

Scholarship Guidelines
Sign and submit this application no later than 2 weeks after the start of your classes. Short Term Certificate Scholarship applications will be accepted on a first-come basis should funding remain.

Apply for Admission to Belmont College online at

Submit this Short Term Certificate Scholarship Application to the Financial Aid Office.

Eligible candidates must also meet the following requirements:

Be an eligible Ohio resident
Enroll at Belmont College in one of the short term certificate program listed below (please indicate your program).

Important Information:

The Short Term Certificate Scholarship will cover up to $2,000 in tuition charges. After the scholarship is applied, the student may still have a bill for fees and books.
The Short Term Certificate Scholarship recipients are selected by the Financial Aid Office, base on criteria estabilshed by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
The Short Term Certificate Scholarship does not cover fees, books, or other expenses.
The Short Term Certificate Scholarship is a one-time award for a maximum of $2,000.
This scholarship is funded by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Under Ohio Revised Code Section 3345.52, eligible students must be registered with the Selective Service System in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act, 62 Stat. 604, 50 U.S.C. App. 453.

Clear Signature
I have read and understand the guidelines for the Short Term Certificate Scholarship and understand that even after the scholarship is applied, I may still have a balance due to the College. I certify that I have a financial need for this grant. Financial need may be due to unemployment, underemployment, or lacking resources to fully meet all current expenses.